Background: I discovered Weight Watchers when Gigi was six months and found (for the first time) that I was, easily and with little stress, losing weight! No low carbing, or any other "fad" type of diet...but eating what I wanted. I got to my goal weight and guess what happened? Yup, got pregnant with Gavin. A couple months ago, I rejoined WW and thought, I can do this by myself, I dont need to go the meetings. I knew what they were all about. Fast-forward to the end of October: I learned that it was actually the meetings that kept me on track and most of all, MOTIVATED.
Last week I went to my first meeting and today was my second. I've been looking forward to this meeting all week because I knew I was going to get a reward: a star-sticker (for 5 pounds I lost!) to affix on my WW bookmark! Funny how this seemingly "little thing" kept me excited and motivated. And...just for coming, attendants get "bravo" stickers to put in our Pocket Guides. Of course, I love that too! : )
Another thing I've learned is that when it comes to changing one's behavior, being immediately rewarded (in small, tangible ways) really does work wonders. For me, getting the support at the meetings, strategizing about upcoming events, and earning small rewards gets me excited about the program and
makes me feel that my goal is all the more attainable.
A big Hooray to that! =D
Here is a shortened version of a poem and quote shared at today's meeting:
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump
May your pie take the prize
and may your Thanksgiving Dinner
stay off your thighs!
2)"It is better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent" -Ezra Taft Benson
Lastly, here is an
VERY LONG article on the
SCIENCE behind why
change can be so difficult:
Link to Article
Have a charmed & blessed week all!!!