Thursday, September 22, 2011

Each other's light

This past Tuesday Gavin and I went to visit our dear Jojo's final resting place. Since my internal GPS is non-existent (I get lost very easily), Gavin and I found ourselves in "Noor Terrace" where all the gravestones were in arabic??...I was like uh, wrong continent, LOL! I have to mention that this was the first time I'd ever gone to a cemetery on my own. We usually visit Julio and Dad (Gerald's father) together and I was a little scared to go on my own. But... I was seriously non-functional from sadness the night before and that morning was no different. I really wanted to visit him.

Since Jojo was not a "flower-kinda-guy" friends and loved ones brought him various items: Voss water and a Diet Coke. Since it was a Tuesday game night, our contribution was a baseball with his name and number on it and a bag of chips =)

It was an adventure getting there though! I finally had the good sense to call Erle and he gave me the directions to where to find Jojo. I followed the directions and found him. After looking at a myriad gravestones that were not his, I was relieved to get there, talked to him for a bit, cried, and gave him the things we were there to deliver. I was still sad but felt ready to function again. I then decided to visit other loved ones that have gone before us.

We visited Juju and brought him the little Fall themed globe. Later when we got home the picture of Juju, Noy, and Lorenzo from our wedding hung loosely outside of its frame. Juju and I had a special bond and I think that was his little "hello" to me :)

I was lost (again) and could not find Dad's gravestone and by accident, I discovered Auntie Cecille's final resting place. I was happy to see her and I think she was happy to see us too :) After a second phone call to Gerald, he set me on the right path and I was glad to be able to deliver the flowers for Dad.


When a loved one is no longer with us the pain left by their absence is at times overwhelming. It is sad that their presence..their light.. is no longer with us. This is why we must be ever more present for those loved ones who are still here. Small gestures of love, thoughtfulness, and encouragement is how we successfully navigate life's storms because being each other's light is the absolute greatest gift we can give :)

Till next time, please be safe and make all your days count! 

Forget the bad, hold on to the good, and have a charmed and blessed weekend all!

=) ;D :)

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