Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Big Daddy Post: 2012 in Review (12/5/12 update)

Dear Blog,

It is 3 am and I heard this post calling to me: "Check off something on this list!" FINE!

Bay to Breakers 10k-
Stanford Scamper 5k- TO WRITE
See Jane Run Half Marathon- TO WRITE
Kids for Sports 5k- TO WRITE


I am writing this post on the living room floor while the kids are asleep and my messy kitchen is calling me.

But, I did promise I'd be back today so here I am.

Blogging is hard. Kinda like running but for the mind. You need to get warmed up. Here's the update.


Hot off the press. Taken earlier this morning 12/5/12 :)

Gigi's & Gavin's developmental progress


When I picked up Gigi and Gavin from school today their school director asked to have a word with me. CRAP! I'm in trouble. Or Gigi or Gavin. But that was not the case, let me explain.

Gavin started school in late September and surprisingly acclimated very well. Very little crying and right before school he is always excited to go.

But, we've figured out why. He has become Gigi's shadow at school. Whatever she does, wherever she is, lil bro wants to be there.

No wonder their teachers are always complimenting her on how good of a big sister she is. She's always there. It is great to see that she is so nurturing. Showing him how to do "work" (Montessori lingo for a selected activity) while her time for learning is compromised.

So the school director informed me that they are going to be more strict with Gavin and separate him from Gigi. She mentioned that he may not "like" coming to school because of this temporarily. I told her that she has my full support and that when at home I will talk to him about "being a big boy" and doing his own work.

Academically, Gigi is beginning to read short words phonetically. Gavin is able to follow directions and do age-appropriate work.


Emerging personalities

Both of my little ones are very sweet but Gigi is more generous with affection while Gavin doles it out to his inner circle.

The two play well together until someone pisses the other off (90% of the time it is Gavin). He reminds me of a puppy in that he hasn't fully learned what socially acceptable behavior is. But, I have to point out that he's only 2.5 and he toggles between Terrible Two'ing and Terrific Two-ing in the blink of an eye. Plus he's a boy. I'm sure that with school, him maturing, and consistent disciplining at home, our pup will eventually learn ;D

Gigi on the other hand is a little lady at 4.5. Today I was telling her a story about a super hero family that eats super hero food and when they eat their food they get super powers. The power she was gifted was being able to "glamour" people (True Blood reference which means to control people's mind/actions). The way she would glamour was by touching the person's eyes. She touched my eyes and said "Mommy you will always be with us. You will never get hurt and bleed. You will always be strong."


Gigi's 4th & Gavin's 5th Birthdays

Taken on Gigi's 4th birthday, 6/2/12

For their birthdays we kept it small and it was nice. Gigi had a craft birthday party at Our Paper Place in Newark with her cousins about 8-10 classmates, a local scrap-booking store. (Which reminds me I miss crafting. Gotta squeeze that in sometime soon.)

Taken on Gavin's 2nd birthday, 5/12/12

Gavin's birthday fell on a cousin's wedding day so we spent the morning and afternoon with my brother Erle's family at Happy Hollow Park & Zoo in San Jose. We went to Oz & Marcie's wedding that evening and surprisingly behaved extremely well.

Yay. Checking off these topics on my list below.




It has been an embarrassing amount of time since my last entry.

You have been put in the back burner because life has been so busy. Not to worry, it is the good kind of busy. I hope you understand.

In an effort to make up for lost time (and to check off all the items on my to-write list ) I am creating this "Big Daddy Post: 2012 in Review."

The year is coming to a close and I really want to document the most important things I've learned because life just zips by too quickly.

*Zip* Did you feel that? You just aged.

*Zip again* Its gonna be 2013 in less than a month.


Let's get to it! ;D



Bay to Breakers 10k- TO WRITE
Stanford Scamper 5k- TO WRITE
See Jane Run Half Marathon- TO WRITE
Kids for Sports 5k- TO WRITE

Mom's groups, playdates 9-17-12  , & community- TO WRITE
Book Club 10/11/12

Girlie Outings-TO WRITE

Aulani 2012: travel planning-  9/19/12, activity breakdown, recommendations, & reflections-- TO WRITE
Las Vegas 2012: travel planning, activity breakdown, recommendations, & reflections- TO WRITE
Disneyland 2012: travel planning, activity breakdown, recommendations, & reflections- TO WRITE

PROact training- TO WRITE
Personal challenges/hurdles- TO WRITE
Planning system & fortune making- TO WRITE

Blog Housekeeping
Organize blog articles by themes/groups- TO DO
Create standalone pages by themes/groups to allow for easier navigating within the site-TO DO
Network with other niche bloggers-TO DO

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