Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Aulani 2012: travel planning

My personalized planner. Can't function without it!

Got a bunch of things on my to do list that are travel related so I may as well blog about it so that I can put in a quick post.

I really want to learn from all experiences so taking the time to write and reflect helps me identify the things that are working and those that aren't.

Our last trip was a short one to Las Vegas earlier this month and there are two glaringly wrong things I did:

(1) Packed late the night before which lead to a lack of sleep which (2) contributed to the night before's lack of sleep which made me a grump that first day. No to mention lethargic. Boo.

For Aulani, I am packing for the kids and I- Gerald does his own packing as he is very particular in what he brings. I appreciate this because I have one less person to pack for = )

Last year's trip to Kaui I was so focused on packing lightly and efficiently that I did not focus on a very important detail, our FLIGHT TIME (we did not check in any luggage, a big deal for a family of four!). Due to this we MISSED our FLIGHT. Ughh. Tough lesson there, will write about this later.

This time around, I am making an effort to complete laundry three days prior to travel and to pack two days before travel day.

I am also rising earlier, today at 3:20 am to get stuff done. This ensures I get to bed at a decent time as sleep is essential to traveling happily.

That's it for now. This post is mostly for me. To keep me accountable on my blogging goals.

Hope anyone who stumbles on this has an awesome day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Playdates, Top Flight Gymnastics

We had an open gym play-date with our local Mom's group this morning at Top Flight Gymnastics in Fremont.

It was our first time there and the kiddies had a blast.

They even had a bouncy house, multiple trampolines of varying sizes, stuff to climb on and jump into.

Gigi most especially loved this ring where kids could swing like Tarzan and drop into a foam pit. Nifty and fun ;D

Gavin pretty much followed Gigi around but enjoyed the bounce house with a slide the most.

The group had a pre-arranged rate of $5 per child for one hour of play (10 kids or more) which I thought was fantastic.

Gavin, 2 years, 4 months
Gigi, 3 years, 3 months


The hour flew by and besides the slight smell of feet (I can't help it) I really enjoyed this place. We will definitely be returning here because the place is a huge air-conditioned indoor play-area which we all enjoyed!

Blog game plan

It has been two and half months since my last :(

If this blog were a plant it would be completely dried up, shriveled, and gone by now..double boo :( :(

I am comitting to putting some life back into this lovely little space of mine so that I can retreat, reflect, and indulge in the therapy of writing = )

Below is a list of blog topics I would like to write to about. (If any of the topics interest you, let me know and I will place them on the top of my "To Write" list.)

Gigi's developmental progress & her 4th birthday
Gavin's developmental progress & his 2nd birthday
Gavin's 1st day of school

Aulani 2012: travel planning-  9/19/12, activity breakdown, recommendations, & reflections
Las Vegas 2012: travel planning, activity breakdown, recommendations, & reflections
Disneyland 2012: travel planning, activity breakdown, recommendations, & reflections

Bay to Breakers 10k
Stanford Scamper 5k
See Jane Run Half Marathon
Kids for Sports 5k

Mom's groups, playdates 9-17-12  , & community
Book Club 10/11/12
Girlie Outings

PROact training
Personal challenges/hurdles
Planning system & fortune making

Blog Housekeeping
Organize blog articles by themes/groups
Create standalone pages by themes/groups to allow for easier navigating within the site
Network with other niche bloggers

Buckle your seatbelts people, with a game plan in hand, things are going to get interesting around here ;D!