Monday, December 20, 2010

Eyes gleaming, chin up

I know this blog is about counting my blessings but there have been a number of things that have me carrying a heavy heart lately...(the passing of a mother, the deteriorating health of a loved aunt, missing our little juju...)

Then, I got to thinking...How does one enjoy the holidays while simultaneously dealing with heart-breaking events that sometimes pop up out of nowhere? Or, how do you deal with ongoing challenges and struggles that can be both emotionally and physically draining?..

A picture of Gigi below offers a glimmer on how to begin to answer these tough questions.

...First, the awe and wonder in her eyes makes me feel like everything is going to be alright. I feel comforted and in touch with my own inner child who deep down inside knows this.

Children are human beings that are truly magical to me. I've found that watching and being present with them can be a type of healing all on its own. Gigi's gesture of looking up speaks volumes. Eyes gleaming, chin up, I know that the very best thing to do, in all situations, joyous and not, is to trust in God and live the best way I know how.

Life can be tough. But it can also be magical.

Have a charmed and immensely blessed week all = )

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